Dienstag, 28. Februar 2012

Academy Awards 2012 a.k.a. The Oscars

Ha, I'll make this an English entry for a change.

The Oscar ceremony took place this past Sunday. I have some days off so I wanted to watch it live at night (starting at about 1 a.m. here in Germany, or 2:30 or whatever). But I was too tired and went to bed and caught up with the show yesterday and today.

General impression: Billy Crystal did a good job. There were some nice and funny moments and speeches, but not too many highlights or surpise winners that will stick in your mind for years. The most touching moment was Octavia Spencer crying when she won for best supporting actess for The Help. And guess who presented her with that award? Christian Bale! I hadn't expected that, although I guess I should have because many of last year's winners appeared as presenters this year. He looked quite handsome and was well-behaved. Hehe. Not always easy for him. Here's a picture of the TV screen I took with my mobile phone:

As to the ladies' dresses, hm, which one was my overall favourite? Can't really decide. Of the 3 bright red ones that I saw (Michelle Williams, Emma Stone and Natalie Portman) I liked Natalie Portman's look best - not least because of the beautiful jewelry she wore. Here's a picture - again of my TV screen (from the interview in the pre-show):

I also liked Penelope Cruz's look. The colour of her dress (Armani Privé I think she said) looked mauve outside on the red carpet, but "only" grey on the stage inside the theater. That's a pity. Here's a picture of a red carpet interview:

Other dresses/looks I liked were
  1. Melissa McCarthy: best known to me as Sookie from Gilmore Girls, now nominated for Bridesmaids, which surprised me. Isn't that like a female version of Hangover? Unusual for a "shallow" comedy to be recognized, but not bad.
  2. Sandra Bullock in a dress with a white top, some gold in the middle and a black skirt. Didn't like her simple ponytail too much, but it fits her usual style. Loved that she spoke some German on stage.
  3. Jennifer Lopez: silvery, V-neck going down very low, that's all I remember. But I liked it, which is not my usual reaction to most of her looks or outfit choices.

The not so good ones must also be mentioned: Angelina Jolie in that black thing showing off her legs and doing a strange pose. Loved that one of the writers who won the category she presented mocked her by imitating the pose. Hehe. She's too skinny in my opinion anyway. Bony arms. Dislike. And then of course Meryl Streep. I love her, but the dress ... strange gold-black outfit, strange cut. Not flattering or beautiful.

If you're wondering if I was rooting for any film in particular, I must admit that I haven't seen too many of them. I haven't had time to go to the movies lately. Shame on me. I still love to watch the Academy Awards though : ) And sorry for the bad quality of the pictures. As mentioned, I just took snapshots of my TV screen with my smartphone.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Ich bin gerade voll beeindruckt, dass du das auf englisch geschrieben hast, sowas trau ich mich ja immer nicht, obwohl ich englisch ja kann *lach*.
    Und ja, Meryl sah echt aus wie ein Rocher *lach*, goldene Kleider find ich eh schwierig, aber das hatte was von Goldfolie irgendwie.

  2. Oh, ganz lieben Dank für das Kompliment! Früher hab ich ja hauptsächlich auf englisch gebloggt, glaub ich. Daher auch der komische Name (bilingual Dings). Und bei dem Thema bot es sich mal wieder an.

    Meryl, naja, da sieht ein Rocher noch schöner aus. Der Schnitt war auch voll seltsam mit diesem V-Ausschnitt. Aber sie ist ja auch keine Mode-Ikone, aber trotzdem super sympathisch.


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