Sonntag, 5. Februar 2006

Germany's Next Topmodel

Ich hatte in jeopardygirl's Blog schon mal erwähnt, dass ich mich auf die deutsche Ausgabe dieser Sendung freue. Sie ist jetzt letzte Woche angelaufen. Von anfangs 30 Kandidatinnen sind noch 10 übrig. Siehe hier.
Die offizielle Seite findet man bei Pro7.

Ich mag Lena M. am liebsten (Bilder ganz unten, obere Reihe ganz rechts). Anne, eine der Ausgeschiedenen, fand ich sehr hübsch, was Gesicht und Haare angeht, aber sie war ja so spindeldürr, das geht ja gar nicht! Nur Haut und Knochen, nee nee!

Heidi Klum als Moderatorin und Jury-Mitglied find ich super. Ich find sie sowieso sehr sympathisch, immer freundlich und gut drauf.

In English:
The German version of America's Next Topmodel started last week. It's presented by Heidi Klum, who I like very much - and not only because she's German. She's just always friendly and in a good mood.

For pictures of the candidates, see the 2 links posted above. The 2nd link is to the network that airs the show.

My favourite of the girls is Lena M. (in the gallery at the bottom of the page of the first link she's the one at the far right in the top row). One of the girls who didn't make it to the 3rd round, Anne, was very pretty as far as face and hair go, but she was sooo skinny, it was unbelievable. I hate that.

3 Kommentare:

  1. My friend, if you're not already, you are about to be sucked into the superficial vortex. ANTM is my personal guilty pleasure, and if Germany's version is half as dramatic, I might have to ask you for a tape and a translation! :)

  2. Whatever that vortex is, I'm sure I have been sucked in already! : )

    As to drama, there's not so much on the show yet, but in the media. Several newspapers said the show drove young girls into bulimia. I think that's just hypocritical.

  3. I don't know about the Germany edition, but there have already been a few models who've been criticized on the American one for having bulimic- or anorexic- symptoms. Tyra Banks doesn't want girls with eating disorders on her show, and most of those girls didn't last long in the competitions--save one, but she didn't win anyway.


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